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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cruise Ship Salaries

Bar department Income
Asst. bartender G.B.P. 1.200,- U.S.$ 2.000,- and up
Asst. bar manager U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.400,- and up
Asst. bar supervisor U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- and up and tips
Asst. public rooms manager G.B.P. 1700,- plus bonus and up
Bar accountant U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.400,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Bar manager U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- and up
Bar supervisor U.S. $ 1.300, - / 1.750,-
Bartender U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.600,-
Bar waiter U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.200,-
Bar waitress U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.000,-
Head wine steward U.S. $ 1800,- / 2.500,- / 3.000,-
Lady bartender U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.300,- / 2.600,-
Piano lounge waitress U.S. $ 1900,-
Public rooms manager G.B.P. 2.200,- and up plus bonus
Senior bar manager U.S. $ 2.600,- / 2.500,- / 2.700,-
Wine steward U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.500,- / 2.900,-
Beauty salon Income
Asst. salon manager U.S. $ 1.400,-- / 1.800,- / 2.000,- / 2.900,-
Beautician U.S. $ 1.000,-- / 1.300,- / 2.300,-
Beauty therapist U.S. $ 1.000,-- / 1.300,- / 1.600, - and up
Masseuse U.S. $ 1.500,-- / 2.400,- and up
Massage therapist U.S. $ 1.750,- / 3.600,- and up
Massage / holistic therapist G.B.P. 400,- and commissions
Salon manager U.S. $ 2.000,-- / 2.300,- / 3.800,- and up
Casino department Income
Asst. casino manager U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.000,- / 3.100,- and up
Cashier U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Casino dealer U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.900,- / 2.400,- and up
Casino manager U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 3.800,- and up
Croupier U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.800,- and up
Slot technician U.S.. $ 2.000,- / 2.500,- and up
Deck dep. Income
Bosun U..S $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.800,- and up
Captain U.S. $ 5.000,- / 5.400,- / 5.771,- / 5.800,- / 9.800,-
Carpenter U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.534,- / 1.700,- / 1.900,-
Chief officer U.S. $ 3.750,- /  4.000,- / 4.738,- 
Chief radio officer U.S. $ 1.800,- /  2.733,- / 3.100,-  and up
Deck attendants U.S. $ 900,- / 1.200,- and up
First officer U.S. $ 3.050,- / 3.300,- /  3.700,- / 4.300,-
Junior third officer U.S. $ 1.400,- /  1.700,- / 1.900,- / 2.220,-
Radio officer U..S $ 1.500,- /  2.100,- / 2.500,- and up
Repairman U.S. $ 1.425,- / 1.534,-  and up
Safety officer U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.600,- and up
Second officer U.S. $ 2.200,- / 2.400,- / 2.900,- / 3.300,- and up
Security officer U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.400,- / 1.425,- / 1.700, - / 2.600,- / 3.200,- and up
Staff captain U.S. $ 4.500,- / 5.000,- / 7.800,- and up
Third officer U.S. $ 2.200,- /  2.700,- / 3.100,- and up
Quartermaster U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.500,- and up
Dining Room / F&B Income
Asst. waiter/ tress see: busboy
Asst. F and B manager U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.700,- / 2.100,- and up
Asst. restaurant manager U.S. $ 2.500,- / 2.600,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. restaurant manager G.B.P. 1300,- and up
Busboy U.S. $.1.400, / 1.500,- / 1.600,-/ 2.500,- / 3.000,-
Dining room waiter / waitress U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.300,- / 3.600,- and up
F and B manager U.S. $ 2.800,- / 3.200,- / 3.500,- and up
Headwaiter U.S. $ 2.500,- / 4.800,-
Headwaiter G.B.P. 1.400,- and up
Lido supervisor G.B.P. 1300,- plus gratuities and up
Maitre  D' hotel see: restaurant manager
Restaurant manager US $ 2.000,- / 2.600,- / 4.000,- / 5.400,- and up
Restaurant manager G.B.P. 2.400,- and up, plus gratuities
Restaurant stewardess G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
Waiter see: dining room waiter
Engineering dep. Income
Air conditioning technician U.S. $ 2.100,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. electronic technician U.S. $ 2.100,- / 2.500,- and up
Barge engineer U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Chief airco electrician U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.400,- / 3.200,- and up
Chief electrician U.S. $ 2.900,- / 3.300,- / 3.900,- and up
Chief electronic technician U.S. $ 2.600,- / 3.250,- / 3.500,- and up
Chief engineer U.S. $ 4.800,- / 5.000,- / 5.500,- / 5.600,- / 8.700,-
Deck engine mechanic U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.700,- and up
Electrician U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- / 1.924,- / 2.400,- / 2.900,-
Deck and engine cadet U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- and up
Engine repairman U.S. $ 2.700,- / 3.200,- and up
Engine storekeeper U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
Fireman U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.400,- / 1.800,- and up
First engineer U.S. $ 3.500,- / 3.900,- / 4.000,- / 4.300,- / 5.400,-
Fitter U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- / 1.800,- and up
Junior engineer U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.600,- / 1.924,- and up
Junior third engineer U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.300,- and up
Machinist U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.900,- and up
Motorman U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- and up
Plumber U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Pump man U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.600,- and up
Second engineer U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.050,- / 3.100,- / 3.400,- / 4.800,-
Tanker man U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Third engineer U.S. $ 2.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.300,- / 2.600,- / 2.900,- 
Upholsterer U.S. $ 600,- / 1.000,- / 1.300,- and up
Wiper U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Entertainment / cruise staff Income
Acrobat U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Administrative asst. U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.500,- and up
Aerobics instructor U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.200,- and up
Asst. cruise director U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.500,- / 2.700,- and up
Asst. cruise director G.B.P. 2.000,- and up
Asst. production manager U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.600,- and up
Asst. shore excursion manager U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. stage manager U.S. $ 1.250,- / 2.350,-  
Cabaret singer U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Classic ensembles U.S. $ 400,- / 600,- p.w.
Cocktail pianist U.S. $ 400.- / 600,- p.w.
Cocktail pianist (incl. singing) U.S. $ 500,- / 900,- p.w.
Comedian U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
 p.w. - per week ( pe saptamana)
Contemporary band  Income
- duo U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quintet U.S. $ 1.450,- / 2.000,- p.w.
- sextet U.S. $ 1.700,- / 3.000,- p.w.
- septet U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.500,- p.w.
Contemporary duo U.S. $ 700,- / 1.500,- p.w.
Cruise director U.S. $ 3.200,- / 6.000,- / 7.500,- and up
Cruise staff U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.400,- / 1.850,- / 2.000,- and up
Cruise sales manager G.B.P. 1.800,- and up, and commission
Cruise staff steward U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.850,- / 2.200,- and up
Dancer U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Disc jockey U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.650,- and up
Dive instructor U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- / 2.100,- and up
Entertainer U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- and up
Fashion consultant U.S. $ 840,- and up plus bonus and commissions
Feature instrumentalist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,-
Fitness director U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Fitness instructor U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
Gentleman dance host U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- and up
Guest entertainers U.S. $ 4.000,- / 18.000,- and up
Hypnotist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Illusionist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
International host(ess) U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.200,- and up
International host(ess) U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- and up
Island band Income
- solo U.S. $ 400,- /    600,- p.w.
- duo U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- p.w.
- trio U.S. $ 900,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quartet U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.000 p.w.
Juggler U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Juggler duo U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Lounge groups U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.400,- and up
Lounge performer U.S. $ 2.400,- / 3.500,- / 4.800,- and up
Magician U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Musicians U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.200,- and up
Musicians U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Novelty artist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Port lecturer U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.400,- and up
Production manager U.S. $ 2.400,- / 3.000,- / 3.100,- and up
Quartet U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- p.w.
Second asst. stage manager U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Shore/ excursion manager U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 4.000,- and up
Show band U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.700,- and up
Singer U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.800,- and up
Social host U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- / 1.600,- / 2.200,- and up
Social hostess U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.400,- and up
Sports director US $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- and up
Stage helper U.S. $ 300,- / 400,- p.w.
Stage manager U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.500,- and up
Sound and light technician U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Strolling musicians Income
- solo U.S. $ 400,- / 600,- p.w.
- duo U.S. $ 700,- / 1.200,- p.w.
- trio U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quartet U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- p.w.
Television technician U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- / 2.100,- and up
Tour manager / asst. U.S. $ 2.300,- and up
Trio U.S. $ 1.050,- / 1.400,- p.w.
Ventriloquist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Video grapher U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.000,- and up
Video technician U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up 
Water / sports instructor U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Youth activities co-ordinator U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- / 1.870,- / 2.100,- and up
F&B department / front desk Income
Asst. F&B controller G.B.P. 2.400,- and up
Asst. hotel manager U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.100,- and up
Asst. purser U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.650,- / 1.800,- / 1.900,- and up
Chief purser U.S. $ 3.000,- / 4.000,- / 5.800,- and up
Chief yeoman U.S. $ 3.000,- / 4.000,- and up
Cashier G.B.P. 2000,- and up
Concierge G.B.P. 1.800,- and up
Crew purser U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.000,- and up
Deputy purser U.S. $ 3.800,- / 4.700,- and up
F&B controller G.B.P. 1.700,- and up
First purser U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
Guest services co-ordinator U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.100,- and up
Guest services purser G.B.P. 1.400,- and up
Hotel asst. U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.100,- and up
Hotel managers admin. asst. G.B.P. 1.300,- and up
Hotel controller U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Hotel manager U.S. $ 3.800,- / 5.600,- and up
Junior auditor U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.700,- / 1.800,- and up
Junior asst. purser U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.300,- and up
Night hotel officer G.B.P. 1800,- and up
Program co-ordinator U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Printer U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.800,- and up
Purser U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.200,- and up
Purser G.B.P. 2160,- and up
Receptionist U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.900,- / 2.000,- and up
Second purser U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- / 2.000,- and up
Senior auditor U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.700,- and up
Senior concierge G.B.P. 2000,- and up
Third purser U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.000,- and up
Utility stewardess G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
Yeoman U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.000,- and up
Yeoman asst. U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.300,- and up
Galley department Income
All round cook see: chef de partie / first cook
Asst. crew cook U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- and up
Asst. executive chef U.S. $ 3.000,- / 3.400,- / 4.100,- and up
Asst. provision master U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.600,- and up
Baker U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.100,- and up 
Bread baker U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.800,- and up 
Baker trainee U.S. $ 800,- / 1.300,- and up
Buffet U.S. $ 900,- / 1.300,- and up
Butcher G.B.P. 2050,- and up
Butcher supervisor U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.500,- and up
Butcher trainee U.S. $ 600,- / 1.000,- and up
Chef de partie U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.000,- / 2.200, -/ 2.700,- and up
Chef de partie G.B.P. 1.000,- / 1.500,- and up
Chef tournant U.S. $ 2.300,- / 2.500,- and up
Coffee man U.S. $ 436,- / 500,- and up
Executive chef US $ 3.500,- / 3.900,- / 4.500,- 4.700,- and up
Executive chef G.B.P. 3000,- and up
Executive sous chef G.B.P. 2400,- and up
First baker U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.000,- and up
First cook / chef de partie U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.700,- / 2.200,- and up
First pastry man U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.300,- and up
Galley steward G.B.P. 1350,- and up
Pastry chef U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.000,- / 3.500,- and up 
Pastry chef supervisor U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.800,- / 2.100,- / 3.500,- and up
Pastry trainee U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- and up 
Provision master U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.500,- / 2.000,- / 2.450,- and up
Sanitation officer G.B.P. 1750,- and up
Second baker U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.900,- and up
Second cook U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Second pastry man U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.800,- and up
Sous chef U.S. $ 2.800,- / 3.000,- / 3.400,- and up
Sous chef G.B.P. 2050,- and up
Third cook U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Third pastry man U.S. $ 800,- / 1.100,- / 1.700,- and up
Gift shop Income
Asst. gift shop manager U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.300, - and up
Gift shop manager U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.500,- / 3.100, - and up
Jewellery sales person U.S. $ 1.500, / 1.800,- and up
Retail sales U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.600,- and up
Shop asst. U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- and up
Housekeeping department Income
Asst. head housekeeping U.S. $ 2.400,- and up
Asst. cabin stewardess U.S.$ 1.300,- / 1.500,- / 1.700,- and up
Asst. chief housekeeper U.S. $ 1.700,- / 1.900,- / 2.500,- and up
Asst. laundry supervisor U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Bell boy U.S. $ 500,- / 600,- and up
Bell captain U.S. $ 600,- / 800,- / 1.100,- / 1.300,- and up
Cabin stewardess U.S. $  1.600,- / 2.400,- / 2.500,- and up
Cabin stewardess G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
Chief housekeeper U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 3.800,- and up
Cleaner utility U.S. $ 535, -/  600,- / 800,- and up
Head room steward U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.500,- / 2.800,- and up
Floor supervisor U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- 2.400,- / 3.200,- and up
Housekeeper U.S. $ 2.500,- and up, per month fixed salary
Laundry supervisor U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Linen keeper U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up 
Room steward U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Store keeper U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Medical Income
Chief doctor U.S. $ 4.800,- / 6.400,- and up
Doctor U.S. $ 4.000,- / 5.000,-/  5.200,- / 6.666.- and up
Registered nurse U.S. $ 2.100,- and up
Nurse U.S. $ 1.534,- / 1.800,- / 2.500,- and up
Photo department / photo shop Income
Asst. photo manager U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.200.- 2.400,- and up
Photo manager U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.700,- / 3.000,- and up
Photographer U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.300,- / 1.600,- / 2.100,-

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